We got trouble, right here in Eureka city...
...Trouble with a capital "T" and that rhymes with B and that stands for BEVERLY! Allison wasn't exactly herself this episode, and before anyone could do anything about it Beverly executed a shocking plan. Only Zoe and Jo can save the day in Salli Richardson-Whitfield's directing debut, a Eureka-fied take on those action thrilers we all love. Plus, there's a cameo from one of the cutest characters from Season 4.0! What did you think of "Omega Girls"? Discuss it in the comments!
Boilerplate reminders:
- Please be courteous and respectful. Thoughtful debate is great, but personal attacks on other posters or being a jerk are not.
- Comments may contain spoilers, so if you don't want those, best to stop reading here...
- We'll try to get to any questions when we can, but your patience and understanding are appreciated if we can't -- we're busy working on Season 5!
That episode was girl-power all the way!! Loved when Zoe realized that Allison was actually Beverly and said it.
Loved the return of the cute little Wall-E body double.
I really liked the fact that Carter knew that Allison wasn't her. Loved the jail scene.
Glad that Zoe is going to be in the loop now with the whole time travel thing.
Really glad that Beverly is out of Allison's head...this episode was just way too much of her.
Posted by: Jules | 08/08/2011 at 08:38 PM
Just saw the news: this show is canceled. Season five will be the last, and the six-episode sixth season is no longer happening.
Posted by: J | 08/08/2011 at 09:12 PM
I'm still reeling from the cancellation news, so my off-the-charts enthusiasm for tonight's episode is severely dampened, to say the least, but... in the interest of focusing on the positive, I just wanted to say: bravo, bravo, what a fantastic show tonight!
Salli did a PHENOMENAL job with the directing (not to mention the acting--she nailed Beverly :)), the writing rocked, and the performances met the challenge. Classic Eureka, and it makes tonight's news all the more painful.
This made me want to pull out my Season 1 DVD and rewatch some of the old episodes...
Posted by: Jennifer | 08/08/2011 at 09:31 PM
Man, I just read about the show being cancelled. Are more details going to emerge, because SyFy's statement was a little unsatisying? I know all good shows come to an end, but it feels like Eureka still has some good stories left.
Will the cast and writers still be at 2012 ComicCon?
Posted by: Lawrence | 08/08/2011 at 09:32 PM
Well, I've got to give credit where its due and say that you laid all my fears about a real Jo/Zane/Zoe triangle to rest tonight.
Zane was appropriately concerned about Zoe's reaction to his relationship with Jo, given the way he admittedly milked her crush to mess with Carter in season 4.0.
But, he was all about Jo and I love that! You didn't go the soapy route, and for that I thank you!!
You even made me feel sorry for Zoe at the end. Glad she knows about the time travel, too. Maybe knowing that Jo/Zane have a long history together (even though it was in another timeline) will help her put the short time she had a crush on him in perspective.
Hate the news of the cancellation! Guess SyFy needs to save their budget for more Ghost!Wresting! shows. What a joke of a network. Hope you're going to have time to give all the characters a satisfying ending. Dangling plotlines are fine, but please keep Jack/Allison, Henry/Grace, Jo/Zane and whoever "wins" the Fargo/Holly/Parrish triangle together with happy endings for their fans.
Posted by: seashore56 | 08/08/2011 at 09:48 PM
SyFy has just become a major joke. First the Stargate Franchise, yeah i could live with that, 17 collective seasons. But now Eureka? This is utter crap, Warehouse 13 is my last show on SyFy. Hell, i'll probably watch Wh13 on Hulu or DVR just to screw the channel ratings.
SyFy needs to rethink their decision, that or USA needs to pick up Eureka.
Posted by: Ryan | 08/09/2011 at 12:09 AM
he told her! HE TOLD HER!
Posted by: Aryn | 08/09/2011 at 01:51 AM
I really liked the fact that Carter knew that Allison wasn't her. Loved the jail scene.Glad that Zoe is going to be in the loop now with the whole time travel thing.
Posted by: Gym Equipments Bangalore | 08/09/2011 at 04:56 AM
So sorry about the news. Unbelievable.
I agree that Syfy needs to rethink their decision.
We need a song about how Reality killed the tv shows.
As for last night's episode, well done! Love our Jo, and and Zoe. Beverely and Allison's cut back and forth, done brillantly.
Posted by: Shelley H. | 08/09/2011 at 05:42 AM
So basically season six has been redacted . . . ??? I hope there wasn't a 10 ft pile of paper work for everyone to sign and date.
Seriously, I'm crying a little. On one hand I absolutely hate it when shows get stretched out paper thin to the point of redundant tedium, so I would rather see it end(conclude) than to watch it suffer and die. But then there's this other hand, and it's EUREKA, and Eureka just keeps getting more and more explosive right now! Not to mention, that you, the awesome writers, just finished the season 5 finale and probably had mad plans for season 6. Am I right? {Sigh} The season 5 finale is going to be big, and give us all the laughs and closure 5 awesome seasons requires . . . even if it means you have to suck down ridiculous amounts of coffee and stay awake for endless hours to do a epic re-write, yes? Please? Thank you . . . for all the years.
As for Omega Girls !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Was that enough? I think not. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Currently downloading from i-tunes so I can watch it over and over again. Please pass on the mad love to Salli Richardson-Whitfield. She did an amazing job and I can't wait to see future work from her.
P.S. What does SyFy have for prime time right now? Well, I don't know about the rest of you, but where I live it's WWF . . . I have no words for this, at least no civil words.
Posted by: Errynae | 08/09/2011 at 05:43 AM
Pretty much what Errynae said plus this: Eureka to the BIG SCREEN!
Posted by: Yvette | 08/09/2011 at 06:27 AM
Very well-written episode. My wife and I were noting that quite a bit of the interaction passed the Bechdel test, and I felt that even those scenes that didn't were vital to the story line.
Posted by: Michael A. Burstein | 08/09/2011 at 06:33 AM
Can a person be happy and mad at the same time? 'Cause I am. Salli did an amazing job directing, just like Colin and Joe, plus she looked absolutely fantastic too in the episode. SyFy has just lost more points with me. I guess people upset about the shortened six episode season pissed off the people at SyFy. Can't wait to see the last five for this season, the Christmas episode, and the final 13 (sobs).
Posted by: alg | 08/09/2011 at 07:13 AM
This was an excellent episode, and I'm really impressed with Salli--not only a kickass directing debut, but wonderful acting as well...she really played "Beverly" very vividly. I loved the fact that Zoe was the one who wound up saving the town...she's come a long way since the juvenile delinquent we saw in S1. I also loved the way this episode let the female characters take charge. Eureka has always been an ensemble show with strong women, and that's just one of the reasons I've been a fan.
I am so very, very disappointed in Syfy. This is a terrific show that's gotten stronger with every season. The announcement called it a 'business decision,' and now I'm wondering if the people on the show started asking for salaries more in line with how much the network is making from them, and the network decided to pull the plug instead.
Yes, it's cheaper to run wrestling and 'ghost hunters' every night of the week than to produce actual quality scripted programming. But I've just lost my last reason to keep paying for cable...maybe I'll just watch Warehouse 13 on Hulu till they dump that too. Because cancelling shows that are still producing great episodes and have a loyal fan base...well, it's just stupid.
Posted by: Sandra | 08/09/2011 at 07:34 AM
Arrrrgh! The pain, the pain. It hurts! I plan to NAG syfy into giving us more episodes; seriously, Eureka is such a funny and charming show; I start grinning from ear to ear the minute the show starts. It's the rare show that I just sit back and enjoy. Ugh, I need a margarita.
Posted by: Habitat | 08/09/2011 at 07:54 AM
Another great episode from the writers and actors (and directors) of Eureka.
SyFy just gave me reason to boycott any future television series they might produce. First it was Stargate Atlantis (in favor of SGU), then Stargate Universe got cancelled, and now Eureka.
Anything us fans can do to change the minds of SyFy powers that be?
Posted by: Mik | 08/09/2011 at 08:01 AM
I really enjoyed that episode! It was nice to see Zoe again and to revisit the Zoe/Jo/Zane problem.
I also just heard the news about the show. Very, very sad to see the show go! However, I am happy that we still get a season and a half of episodes, plus a Christmas special! That's still a lot of Eureka! Plus if this show gets the proper ending it deserves and is all wrapped up in the end, then I'll forgive SyFy. At least Eureka's being given a chance to finish out its stories and really wrap everything up. I'm always grateful for that! I know you guys will make the most out of what you have left. This show has been so consistently amazing! I totally appreciate all the work. Now I need to stop talking because I'm just making myself sad!
Posted by: Kelly | 08/09/2011 at 09:36 AM
I wanted to write about what a great episode it was last night and what a great job Salli did, but all I can think about is how sad I am to see Eureka cancelled ...
I understand that it's a "business decision" and sometimes shows start to decline. Funny thing is, Eureka still feels fresh and it's just hitting it's stride. They're doing their best work now, so I don't get it. The creativty, writing, and chemistry are there and the fan base is extremely loyal.
Thank you, Jamie and Bruce for a wonderful show. Thank you, Colin and Salli for being wonderful leads. Thank you, cast, writers, staff and crew for ... everything. You will be SO missed. Please let us know if there's anything the fans can do ...
Any chance of getting the next season before next summer?
Felicia Day had a great tweet (paraphrasing here), "UN-picked up by the network. Now it's awkward!"
Posted by: lovethistown | 08/09/2011 at 10:39 AM
Salli did a wonderful, wonderful job directing. Love the fact that the women were in charge! Absolutely loved the editing of the show. I love the fact that shows like this give others in the cast and crew a chance to shine at doing more than what they were originally hired to do --- come from in front of the camera and show their talents behind the camera in writing, producing or directing. That's a true collaborative/ensemble cast and crew.
Very sad to see that SyFy has yet again shown their true colors and is about to take one of their best scripted shows off the air --- visions of Farscape, Invisible Man and how they got booted come to mind.
That's just another reason why I won't be watching SyFy much longer. This will only send a message to the other scripted shows (Haven, Warehouse 13 and Alphas) to watch their backs and have a backup plan for actors and crew to find other work. SyFy is hunting down and killing all the scripted shows in favor of wrestling, boring reality drudgery and crappy paranormal shows.
I tip my hat to Jaime and Bruce for creating such a whimsical and family oriented show that relies on brains, whit and charm to win over an audience. Kudos to the writing staff, editors, music (Bear is great!), props, cinematographers and all of the crew in helping create and maintain excellent show quality.
Okay, I've vented --- back to your regularly scheduled reading.
Posted by: Carla | 08/09/2011 at 11:03 AM
I have enjoyed this program from the beginning, from the implausible plots to the amazing work and chemistry of the actors. I just purchased this episode from Amazon(as I have most of 4.0 and 4.5), I own the DVDs as well. Animated series (Futurama, The Simpsons, King of the Hill) and the occasional drama (Dexter, Homicide)are what I usually stock for my personal viewing, but Eureka is almost unique among comedies in that it holds up very well to repeat viewings. I may even need to replace S1. This has been a very entertaining season, perhaps the best yet. Thank you all for a consistently terrific time and I wish everyone much success in the future. The end of this program will mark the end of my relationship with SyFy and NBC Universal.
Posted by: Notnyrealname | 08/09/2011 at 11:26 AM
I keep coming back and wanting to post a comment but I've just been to upset to form words because of the awful way the cancellation was handled. To see the news break to the actors made it especially heartbreaking. I love you guys all the more for all the love and respect you show each other.
On to the episode, it was awesome. The ladies were so amazing and kick-butt! Erica Cerra, Jordan, and Sally! I loved the guy interactions too. The Beverly/Allison shifts were so trippy and Sally did really well directing and acting that. I wonder if Allison is free now?
I will be with you guys to the end, enjoying every minute of this quality show. I thank you so much for making woman strong, yet relate-able, and for making such a humorous, family-friendly, classy show. You are all gems!
Posted by: KJG | 08/09/2011 at 01:51 PM
Amazing episode! Loved that the women were in charge and saving the day.
Salli did an wonderful job directing and acting in this episode. And yes, she looked absolutely gorgeous.
I love Zoe's new look/hair, and I'm glad that she knows about the timeline.
Posted by: chamale | 08/09/2011 at 02:22 PM
I'm still reeling from the cancellation news, ditto. Good show, too sad to post anymore...
Posted by: anna | 08/09/2011 at 11:42 PM
Just wanted to say I really enjoyed this week's episode. Both the characters and Eureka really came alive for me, and it was so nice to see a female-centered episode that wasn't trying to make a conspicuous statement about gender, which is rarer still. I particularly loved the little bits, such as Zoe's hesitation followed by her false start and Jo bemoaning the lack of a toilet. You hit those beats perfectly. Having never been a television writer, let alone one for a cancelled series, I can't imagine what might be going through your heads right now, but I hope you aren't doubting the quality of your work. This week was excellent.
Posted by: Won Back | 08/10/2011 at 12:34 AM
I enjoyed this episode very much!
I was missing the "bad people" for a while, it makes the series much more interesting!
It was definitely one of the best episodes compared to the previous ones! To be honest, since the moment "back to normal life" (adapting to the new timeline) there hasn't been much excitement until Beverly showed up again.
I still wonder though, why Joe didn't blow up the helicopter, Allison was safe next to her. :-/ With such a gun must have been fun :D
Posted by: Claudio | 08/10/2011 at 08:08 AM