Wallace Shawn on Eureka? Conceivable!
Love -- and poison gas! -- is in the air in "Clash of the Titans." Allison and Carter find themselves on the wrong side of some red tape, Henry and Grace take the next step, Holly and Fargo contemplate their next step, and Jo and Zane do the horizontal two-step (a lot). And Titan is closer than ever-- too close, in fact. What did you think of the episode? Discuss in the comments!
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- We'll try to get to any questions when we can, but your patience and understanding are appreciated if we can't -- we're busy finishing up Season 5!
I used to love Wallace Shawn, now I want to smack him. Salli and Colin did a great job of being gutted at the end of the ep. Liked the methane snow and the gas cloud...wanted to see more of the freaky plants on methane. Poor Zane, I suppose he's actually gonna have to leave before Jo will react...
Am I the only one who thinks Henry is going to find a way to go to Titan?
Posted by: Emanuellemarie | 08/22/2011 at 06:15 PM
Nope, I think Henry goes to Titan as well! How can they not take him along??!!
Okay, first things I didn't like:
- You CAN'T BLOW UP TINY!! C'mon, I loved that oversized robotic dog!! You know what you've done, you've caused Tess to come back and try and put her back together!!
- Jack and Allison being told they have to stop their relationship. Seriously?? Or is this just a test? They have to prove how serious they are by fighting for each other?
- Uhm...what was up with the genius florist who semi-flirted with Jack? Did they used to have something that neither Jack nor we know about?
Things I loved:
- Grace and Henry are adorable together. I thought Kim was awesome for Henry, but Grace just takes it to another level.
- Wallace Shawn was adorably cute. "I can bench press twice my body weight!"
- Love how much Fargo has matured and is a leader
- Shirtless Zane, thank you again!
- Lots of Vincent tonight!! Need more Vincent!!
- Liked how they've taken Jo and Zane to where it looks like Zane wants a relationship now, and Jo is clearly in love with him again, with all the smiling Jo we saw this episode. But Jo, you gotta be an adult and actually SAY it.
In any case...another great episode. Totally didn't expect Tiny to explode, and am still sad about that.
Posted by: Jules | 08/22/2011 at 06:50 PM
Loved the episode as usual, but was I the only one scratching my head that Carter and Allison had to have their relationship approved, when she was allowed to marry Stark--not once, but twice? Ok, so the second time didn't actually happen, but they would have, had he not died, so... why wasn't it an issue then?
Posted by: Jennifer | 08/22/2011 at 06:54 PM
Jennifer: While it's more than likely Allison and Nathan also went through some sort of DOD vetting process and just handled it quietly (that is, offscreen), Allison and Carter are a special case given his role as sheriff. As we've seen on the show, the head of GD and Eureka's sheriff can have conflicting interests and responsibilities, and that's complicated when the two people involved are, well, involved. :) Hence the relationship audit.
Posted by: EUREKA UNSCRIPTED | 08/22/2011 at 06:59 PM
Fargo is such a sweetheart! Tiny will, nay must rise again! Carter & Allison... hrm... Carter can't quit his job for her, he's not a 'genius' by Eureka's standards but Allison could... Jo & Zane, who will break first and admit to more than a physical attraction? This could last for several episodes.
Posted by: AthynaQ | 08/22/2011 at 07:14 PM
Didn't Jack date a blonde woman in season 1? Was that the florist?
Posted by: Beth | 08/22/2011 at 07:22 PM
What moran cancelled the series. He sgould be fired!!!
Posted by: Doug McCollum | 08/22/2011 at 07:22 PM
The idea that SyFy could take you off the air is inconceivable. The writing and acting never fail to amaze me. This week did not disappoint. Fun plot with great character stories and interaction. And bringing in Wallace Shawn was a wonderful. You guys do a magnificent job with your guest stars and the subtle nods to the roles they've played elsewhere. Eureka is not just a TV show. Eureka is an adventure.
Posted by: V | 08/22/2011 at 07:31 PM
What a great episode! No other show balances action, drama, and comedy quite like Eureka. I love how the relationships on Eureka continue and evolve each week. Some shows you have to go months or years before any progress with your favorite couples. Some shows couples aren't even shown in a scene together but every few weeks. I think Eureka allows its characters to shine in their relationships and work every week. Good job writers.
Glad Grace and Henry have their happily ever after.
Sad for Allison and Jack, but it will keep them from staying in the sickening lovey dovey stage they were in. I like a bit of tension in my relationships
Tiny....we'll miss you.
Fargo and Holly. Still a bit too quirky for me, but hopefully they will grow on me.
Jo and Zane were great. How can Jo not see that Zane wants something more. Is she in denial or does she really not see it? Glad to see this relationship from both sides. Don't feel we ever saw how Zane was feeling or thinking in previous seasons.
Another great episode.
Posted by: Mindy Lynne | 08/22/2011 at 07:31 PM
Beth, I don't know how many blondes Jack dated. But I remembered he was married to one (played by Olivia D'Abo) and he dated Allison's friend. He almost dated the brunette who own the dry cleaners.
Posted by: Jackie | 08/22/2011 at 07:32 PM
I really liked the ep, and not just because of the presence of genius Wallace Shawn. The character arcs played out beautifully and I loved how each of them stayed true to their essential values. Nice twist on the 'will they or won't they' trope with the DoD preventing Allison and Jack from continuing their relationship. As always, can't wait until next week!
Posted by: Kathleen | 08/22/2011 at 08:36 PM
Good episode--from a sci fi perspective, the color of the gas was spot on--bravo to whoever researched what a mixture of those gases would look like! But, for me, it's the characters and relationships that make Eureka special, so the focus on the various pairings was nice. Jo & Zane: good "ships passing in the night" plot, with her focusing on the fantasy wedding stuff while totally missing Zane's none-too-subtle hints that he's leaving if she doesn't admit she wants him to stay. (And, as always, thank you for *shirtless Zane*. Think of how much wardrobe $ could have been saved had he always dressed (undressed?) that way). Henry and Grace: he's been the most mature one of the group, so it fits to see him in a mature relationship with such a lovely partner. Liked *action Henry* too, with him ready to run out into the snow... Jack and Allison: agree that it's good to see a bit of tension there, if a bit artifically introduced. Fargo and Holly: no end of comic possibilities there...and the brainiac solution of getting sexual tension out of the way like something on a to-do list was perfect. Only bad thing? That's one less new episode left...*sob*!
Posted by: Stacy | 08/22/2011 at 09:02 PM
@Stacy - LOL, the relationships are OK, but I don't like it when they eclipse the sciencey fun parts. I don't think every single character on the show has to pair up to make a good series. I love the characters so much, but wish the focus on hooking up was a little less evident. I like the quirky science best! But congrats to everyone - the episode was really good tonight. So sad that this show won't have a 6th season, it's my favorite on TV.
Posted by: Serena | 08/22/2011 at 09:30 PM
Ah... thanks for the explanation :).
Now that aside, fantastic episode! I just love how you always focus on the characters and let them drive the plot than the other way around. Sure makes for good TV :).
Posted by: Jennifer | 08/22/2011 at 10:02 PM
@Stacy - Thank you for the "ships passing in the night" idiom!! Great way to describe Jo/Zane right now.
Posted by: Jules | 08/22/2011 at 10:07 PM
Not really sure how I feel about this one. I agree with Jules that Stacy's "ships passing in the night" idiom is a great description of Jo/Zane right now. Just not sure I like the fact that its their story, though. Real life can be frustrating enough. I don't need that for my entertainment escapes, too.
Loved the Titan plot. Loved Henry and Grace. Carter and Allison are just "there" for me (nothing exciting, just like a pair of comfortable old shoes) so the relationship auditor plot didn't faze me. Fargo and Holly are cute and quirky, but not why I tune in to Eureka. Jo and Zane are Eureka's "it" couple for me, so here's hoping this "ships passing in the night" plot is not going to be dragged out too long.
Its not like this is a show with a standard 20-something episode season with reasonable breaks in between. You guys don't have time to waste. And, since Jo/Zane scenes alone together on most episodes seem almost as rare as the proverbial hens teeth, its really frustrating, in a bad way, when only miniscule progress is made in getting them officially back together.
Sorry, but its hard to stay invested in the show as a Jo/Zane fan when even some of the actor interviews done during the filming of Season 5 said that putting them back together for real is still up in the air in those episodes. Especially since the network's stupid scheduling will probably have us waiting a whole year to find out how Season 5 plays out. Just hope that the prize for sticking with the show to the end won't be having the rug pulled out from under us.
Posted by: seashore56 | 08/23/2011 at 07:04 AM
Anyone else majorly disappointed? 'Cause I kept waiting for that 'Romance is in the air' kiss between Jack and Allison that was seemingly promised in the promo for this episode, only it never came . . . so sad. Um, next week?
And, that botanist was totally flirting with Jack. Flagrant. I wanted to slap her. I think I remember her, though . . . maybe from the episode when S.A.R.A.H. kept trying to terminate Andy . . . something about trees . . . not sure.
Also, I know that there's a lot of love out there for Fargo and Holly, but it's not coming from me. Sure, they're cute, but in an awkward, okaaaay, can we just cut and move on to the next scene already, sort of way. I think, maybe, it's just one coupling too many, at least for me.
Lastly, Salli really nailed it there at the end. Her facial expressions throughout were by far some of my favorite moments of the episode, but she really brought it home with that last look. It really kills me, by the way, that Carter doesn't remember the other "other" timeline . . . just so you know, {ahem} writers. I mean, is it so bad that I want him to remember? I think not. Come back happy timeline memories . . . please come back.
Posted by: Errynae | 08/23/2011 at 07:32 AM
It is INCONCEIVABLE that there wasn't a Princess Bride reference (unless I missed it...)
Posted by: Brian | 08/23/2011 at 09:17 AM
The things I loved:
Zane, shirtless once again. I'm a boycrazy fanchick type so this just plays into that side of me. ;)
Allison and her "inconceivable" line. Brian, you missed it! I almost missed it too, the hubby heard it first. LOL!
Holly and Fargo and their awkward geeky love. LOL
The things I didn't love:
Tiny blowing up! What the heck!
Jo and Zane dancing around the fact that they are more than just a physical hook-up.
Posted by: Walelia | 08/23/2011 at 09:20 AM
Things I loved:
Allison's protectiveness towards Jack. I'm still catching up as a newbie to "Eureka" but in the previous seasons that I've watched so far (Season 1 and 2), she always seemed to be teasing him and demanding that he support her, this was the first time that I've seen her jump in there and stick it out with him. It was also good to see the expression of concern on her face at the end. I really felt like she was heartbroken over possibly losing Jack, knowing full well that she wouldn't/couldn't give up her role or ask him to give up his role in the town.
Things I didn't like:
The teaser of the sneak previews that hinted there was going to be more romance for four couples not just the constant sexcapade of Jo and Zane. While I love Jo's character and think Zane is cool, I'm always amazed at how passionate their characters are portrayed and how Jack and Allison's characters seem to lukewarm. Even though it's exciting to keep them challenged in their relationship, challenges shouldn't prevent the "heat" between them...and often it just feels like they're siblings instead of love interests. The back and forth between them had gotten so bad for this viewer in Seasons 1 and 2, that I had finally accepted them as just being great, loving friends. When things started to heat up a little in Season 3, I don't know if I was all that excited about it.
But as I watch Season 4 and look forward to Season 5, I'm tempted again to believe that their passion might really exist. But can you please stop playing with mine and their emotions and give them the type of heat we see in Jo and Zane? I promise, your audience won't get bored with that, we'd be just as intrigued if not more.
Posted by: Kashuallady | 08/23/2011 at 09:56 AM
@seashore56, I'm glad to hear someone else express how dull or complacent Jack and Allison's relationship has gotten. As a new fan of the show, I thought it might just me being a newbie, but the characters are always written to be so easy going and mild, where as Jo and Zane are always hot and spicy. Is it agism? What's the tea? Even you and many other mentions their interest in seeing more of Jo and Zane's relationship blossom and I think that has a lot to do with the vibrant,sexy flavor of how the characters are portrayed. Come on writers, at least let the show and their relationship end on a livelier beat and now some sappy wedding and happily ever after ending. Of course, I want them to end up together, but not like some couple who has been married for 30 some odd years and just happy they're still together. You have two of the most attractive, 40 something actors playing Allison and Jack, and they're not plastic, fake, or embellished, they are absolutely gorgeous, sexy actors that deserve better opportunities to show what heat they can bring.
@Errynae, I so feel you. I was completely disappointed with the Romance is in the Air, or the lack there of it. But I also agree, Sadly's expressions and acting in this episode was the best I've seen thus far, she was stellar!
Posted by: Kashuallady | 08/23/2011 at 10:11 AM
Make that three of us waiting for the "love is in the air" kiss between Jack and Allison ... I thought maybe I just missed it, but I didn't see it either - and I WOULD'VE noticed :-)
I didn't see the point of the florist girl flirting, either, unless it was to perhaps catch Jack in an awkward moment when the auditor walked in. But even so, it didn't fit ...
I did like the ep, and I loved Allison defending Jack. Finally! It was interesting that Allison brought up the subject of marriage. I thought she might be the one to drag her feet after everything that happened with Nathan ...
It's a little sad to watch each week, though, knowing that the end is coming. Especially sad this week, knowing that they're filming the finale. SyFy is letting go of their best show. -:(
Posted by: lovethistown | 08/23/2011 at 10:52 AM
I'm a firm believer in shows writing their couples to please those who like them, and not those who don't. If they're going to be together, at least make their story good for those who want them. Those who don't like a couple will never like their story, anyway. At least, that's how its always seemed to me.
Posted by: seashore56 | 08/23/2011 at 12:11 PM
THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!! I am really tired of the Jack-Allison on again/off again BS. JUST LET THEM BE TOGETHER!!! I'll tell you now writers, this relationship audit storyline is far from believable and the fans are getting tired of you splitting these love birds apart. JUST LET IT BE.
Posted by: Serene | 08/23/2011 at 02:24 PM
Amen to seashore56 and Serene! Hopefully, it's not too late and the writers can give us what we want in the next episodes before Eureka is no more.
Posted by: Kashuallady | 08/23/2011 at 03:32 PM