Well, hello there, Zane!
Sure, no one can get an actual peek into the future, but with episode 413, we saw how science might push the boundaries of prediction and probability. Plus things are spicy with Jo and Zane, and how about that last mysterious moment with Carter? Post your thoughts below!
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- Please be courteous and respectful. Thoughtful debate is great, but personal attacks on other posters or being a jerk are not.
- Comments may contain spoilers, so if you don't want those, best to stop reading here...
- We'll try to get to any questions when we can, but your patience and understanding are appreciated if we can't -- we're busy working on Season 5!
I think that Jo and Zane need to get back together!
I wonder if Carter will want to find out why Allison is high on the risk scale.
Posted by: Barb | 07/25/2011 at 06:17 PM
I am not loving this season. The romance between Alison and Jack seems pointless. I don't like Jack as daddy to Alison's children. What happened to the time travel/alternate universe plotline? Basically, lots of fluff in the plots and the show has wandered too far from the show we all knew and fell in love with.
Posted by: NoOceanInKansas | 07/25/2011 at 06:20 PM
First of all, I'd like to say that for the most part I "trust" the Eureka writers more than I do any other writers. But, you are driving me insane with this stupid Zoe/Zane crap. Its like a whole other story played out in your minds apart from what was actually shown onscreen.
Please correct me if I'm remembering wrong, but we have seen nothing that shows that Zoe's crush on Zane is reciprocated in the least. He goes to see her in the infirmary when she's unStoned. We have him telling Fargo he knows its a crush, its harmless, and he's milking it to mess with Carter. They go out on one date. They share two hugs, both of which Zoe initiates...though, I'll give you that Zane doesn't push her away. As far as I can tell, anything else that happened between them was offscreen.
How did I blink and miss this deep romance that Jo is somehow coming between? And, when did the thought of Zoe being with Zane stop bothering Carter to the point that he'd warn Jo about hurting his daughter by seeing Zane? Up to this point, I've been more willing to trust you writers to give us a good story to watch, but you're losing me on this.
Not that I want you to show anything on screen of the squickiness that is Zoe/Zane. I just wish you'd get "MissPlotPointInterloper" out of the Jo/Zane story so those of us who enjoy them can watch their story. This pseudo relationship does the Zane character no favors, IMO. He's too old to have anything to do with a college kid. And, this is a horrible man-centered triangle. Its an insult to Jo.
Right now, I watch the show with dread that Zoe will show up and ruin that episode for me.
Posted by: seashore56 | 07/25/2011 at 06:42 PM
I totally agree with Seahorse56. That comment by Jack was totally out of character. He knows what this alt timeline has done to Jo and would have supported her seeing where things would go with this Zane timeline.
Did like the subtle reveal that Jo and Zane are sleeping together. Now just put them together so we can enjoy them and the crazy Eureka hijinks.
Posted by: Denise | 07/25/2011 at 06:51 PM
I AM loving this season! It's really fun, the relationships and dynamics between the characters are great -- positive, and yet with enough realistic imperfections that they feel plausible -- and the mix of science/danger/mystery is actually exciting. I squeezed my eyes shut when Jo was hanging over that pit, before remembering that you really weren't likely to be killing Jo today. But the things I love about the show -- the sense of community, the humor, the cool science, the intelligence -- all seem amped up this season. I'm not sure what Kansas thinks is lost, but the thing I think you've lost is a thread of darkness -- maybe a really casual attitude toward death and killing off random characters? -- that I never enjoyed at all. And I love Holly Marten! Eureka needed a nice awkward geek girl to be complete. Keep up the amazing work!
Posted by: Sydnew | 07/25/2011 at 07:02 PM
I loved this episode. The show has been what it always has. A mixture of science/danger/romance/comedy. The formula works. I appreciate that you know these characters and watch them through issues they have. I think we need the relationship aspect. If I just wanted to watch strictly science, I'd watch the Discovery Channel. A great job as always by the writers.
Posted by: Cendella | 07/25/2011 at 07:11 PM
No complaints from me. Love all of it. I am entertained for an hour (minus the sell=me=shit) and love each one.
It's all about the entertainment. Are you entertained? Job done. Move on.
Posted by: Pol | 07/25/2011 at 07:39 PM
Loved it! Loved Carter planning a family vacation and willing to take care of Allison's children while she's in space. I just love those two!..........Loved the Parrish! He is straight with no chaser!........I can't wait to see what will happen now that Jack and Henry know that Allison is a threat. I'm hoping she'll go all "Carrie" on GD.
Posted by: chamale | 07/25/2011 at 07:57 PM
Really enjoyed the episode. Though I too am totally skeeved out by the thought of Zane with Zoe. Hoping Carter said that line just in reference to a one-sided crush. Otherwise it makes Zane look really scumbagish. Enjoying the Zane/Jo goodness too. Erica Cerra is awesome! They all are. Look forward to the rest of the season.
Posted by: KizzyG | 07/25/2011 at 08:06 PM
Another great episode!! I will third/fourth/fifth (wherever we are) about the whole Zoe/Zane thing, but honestly...I don't think there's anything going on. It wouldn't surprise me at all if Zoe's just leading her Dad on with this because this Zane doesn't seem at all like the kind of guy who would mess with a friend like Zoe. In fact, I'm willing to bet anyone that Zane "broke up" with Zoe before she went back to school.
As far as the episode...loved the Stan Lee/Incredible Hulk cameo (especially the music in that scene! Awesome!!).
Really like this mini-arc of the space mission...I think that's going to be interesting to see how it plays out.
I never expected Fargo to be wearing the PALs. Good little plot twist there. The Fargo/Holly chemistry is adorably geeky.
Loving the Jo/Zane dynamic and the changes in Zane in this timeline. In this episode, he's angry with Jo but he doesn't walk away and sulk for a while like he did in the prior timeline. He's more direct, which is actually a more mature response. I like it.
Overall, another excellent episode!!
Posted by: Jules | 07/25/2011 at 08:40 PM
Well, it started off great! Jack planning a baseball vacation, FUNNY! Then... not so much. Really tired of the Zane/Jo thing, enough already :( And Jo, lose those black suits and the ponytail, boring...
The future PALS goggles were nifty idea. The almost- romance with Fargo and Holly was cute. Although she's starting to get on my nerves...
I wish they'd do something more interesting than having Will Wheaton always be obnoxious. Seems like they could do something more there???
And Allison, well time will tell. You'd think someone would send her in for an MRI? Sudden headaches, after a trip alone, duh....
Let's bring some smartness back to the show, and give some background characters more facetime.
I miss Matt Frewer's character. I wish he'd come back. And missing Grant's snarky character too! Wish he'd come back...
Maybe Carter needs a "love child" to show up and spark something new, since Zoe's gone. I miss that whole relationship. He need's another girl to raise... and I don't mean a toddler... someone with dialog... Hoping the season improves. This si the first season since the start I'm feeling dissappointed overall. Some good moments, but off, somehow...
Posted by: anna | 07/25/2011 at 10:31 PM
I think it is more or less universal that the Zoe/Zane angle is a strange and unnecessary stretch. I gotta say, too, that I'm not a big fan of the Allison/Jack angle. To echo something I read in another forum, I got so used to that not happening, that now that it has... I don't really want it anymore. Tess was an amazing companion for Jack, and could have been explored further.
I love Eureka, and have probably watched the 3 previous seasons 5 or 6 times each at this point. But I worry that this storyline is chasing the buzz instead of creating it. The season 2 back and forth of Jack and Nathan was hilarious and drew viewers in. The erasing of Jack's memory by Henry and his decent into darkness was also a buzz creator. Even in season 3, I enjoyed the dip into Eureka's past. The playful Jack/Tess development. But I think the lack of a solid arc to end season 3 (vs the stellar end to season 2) is what lead to the lackluster start of 4.
I'll love Eureka no matter what (the great thing is this is a show that can't jump the shark, as that'd just be the normal flow of things) but I really hope there is a rehash in the back. With the way Sci-fi/syfy cancels shows at an almost predictable point in production, I really want the 5th season to be GREAT. I certainly don't want them to drop the axe but if they do, I want to say it ended as high as it began and I can't wait to see what those writers/actors/producers do next!
Posted by: Mike | 07/25/2011 at 11:57 PM
I did not get to see all of the show tonight but what I saw was great. I love Jo and Zane getting back together. I not sure if it was too early to get Jack and Alison together or not. I like the tension they had before. I do like the change of the every ones roll changing in this new time line. The only thing is i think there is too much romance. I just love to see Kaven( or how ever its spelled) Smith. I loved him in Atlantis. By the way i keep watching the reruns and i never see the one with Daniel Jackson from SG-1. I have never gotten to see that show.
Posted by: connien brewer | 07/26/2011 at 12:20 AM
I really enjoyed tonight's episode. It was great to see Felicia Day stick around. The way she flirted with Fargo sent me all a-twitter. I love, too, that you didn't solve all of Fargo's love problems in one go, as what happened with his last love interest. I see a lot of great drama and hijinx ahead as this newly explored character depth in Season 4 begins to blossom. And shame on all of us for not thinking that Fargo would steal a pair to make his interviews go better. We deserved to slap our foreheads! Because that's when you know you have a great plot twist: after the fact, it makes perfect sense in such a way you wish you'd seen it coming.
I just wanted to comment that compared to last week, the pacing was much improved. As far as rhythms go, this week felt pretty close to some of my favorite episodes from previous years. I also appreciated the Season 1 reference by Carter. It's nice to know these characters have a memory that's not just plot-convenient, hehe :)
Posted by: Won Back | 07/26/2011 at 03:39 AM
Okay. This is the first time I have posted this season . . . I've been putting it off . . . I'm really torn. On one hand I am liking the plot developments and then on the other I really think the voice of Eureka, or at least what Eureka use to be, has been lost. Not completely, because there are times when I'm like, yeah, now that's the Eureka I know and love, but honestly, those time are being seen less and less.
A lot of the humor this season seems way too overstated that it's almost not funny anymore. i.e. A joke was dropped so we are going to pause extra long on person's face, or crank up the background music, or have a character make an over the top face and almost cartoon like noise . . . Eureka was always lol funny, before. We didn't need not so subtle hints like that to tell us when we should be laughing. An example of it being done right would be all the scenes between Jack and Kevin in Reprise . . . they were fantastic and lol funny.
I feel the same way with the cameos too. Honestly, last night with Stan Lee . . . I mean, I know it's Stan Lee, but his appearance was just silly, and not in a good way. It's like you just put him in there cause you could, and wanted to, and it in no way advanced the plot or did anything good really. I didn't even find it amusing. All I found it was forced.
I feel as though you've got so much good stuff going through your heads and the ideas are great (SERIOUSLY) but then you're trying to cram it all in to one hour long episode so you've got people talking faster and you've got the camera panning this way and that at times so that there's no break to see the actors facial responses . . . again, it's just feeling forced, and rushed, at least to me.
One last thing would be this: Yes, cheesy can be good, especially on a show like Eureka. But then, some of the dialogue between certain characters just too, tooo, cheesy for me. Again, it's just a completely different voice this season, and I'm not sure I am completely on board with it. Season 1 had the perfect voice and balance of comedy/drama/lighthearted fun . . . I just hope you're not getting too carried away with where Eureka could go that you've completely lost sight of how good and strong it was when it started.
I want you to know, though, that I'm still here, and invested in Eureka, so not to worry writers, I'm not going anywhere. I just feel like you've lost your careful balance of how you manage the plot and overall story. It's still got the heart of Eureka, but I think the limbs are flailing. Anyways, just something to consider. Overall, I really do enjoy the hour I spend with you each week.
Anyone else feeling this way or is it just me?
Posted by: E. | 07/26/2011 at 05:30 AM
Loving Eureka just as it is. You can't please everyone but you have totally pleased me!
ITA please let Zoe/Zane be a one-sided crush where Jack is worried about Zoe's feeling if Jo is just being reckless with Zane and not pursuing something real. I would be upset if a friend of mine slept with my crush behind my back, but if they were pursuing a real relationship I would get over it. If they were just passing time, I'd be pissed that my friend could be so insensitive. Please let that be all there is to the Zoe/Zane thing.
Loving Jack and Allison together. Their scene at the end was fantastic "You can't... not for a man. Who is he, I'll kick his ass" was hilarious. Jo/Zane may have the hottest relationship, but Allison/Jack have the one I would most want in real life. Good job.
In conclusion. Great episode. Funny - check. Possible calamity - check. Sexy - check. Sweet - check. Plots moved forward - check. People working together!!! - check! Can't wait for the next episode.
Poor Fargo, he's too dangerous to love.
Posted by: Kat | 07/26/2011 at 09:49 AM
Wow I was gonna do whole long spiel but honestly I think Kat pretty much covered it. I would like to add though that I absolutely loved the awkward morning pleasantries with Zane.
Posted by: Nik_of_LalaLand | 07/26/2011 at 12:01 PM
I agree with Kat. I love it just the way it is.
You're making exactly the show I want to see ... last night's episode was terrific!
Posted by: lovethistown | 07/26/2011 at 12:04 PM
I also co-sign on Kat's post. Shows evolve if they are going to continue. I would not want to revisit anything in Season 2 which I thought was the weakest. Loving Jack and Allison and Zane and Jo.
Posted by: Dani A. | 07/26/2011 at 12:38 PM
I am surprised by all the mixed reactions to this season of Eureka. I also love Eureka the way it is, and i co-sign with those that think the Zoe-Zane relationship needs to go. As i posted last season, Zoe, Zane and Jo may be our next Carter, Allison and Tess story, meaning that Zoe is becoming like Tess by coming between Jo and Zane (Tess did this with Carter after the timeline changed in "Founder's Day"). For those that are not liking Eureka right now, no offense but I must disagree with you. No matter what happens Eureka will always be Eureka.
OK, now to last night's episode. Loved Jo and Zane being somewhat together, loved the chemistry between Holly and Fargo and loved Stan Lee's cameo! I also was glad you picked on Carter by splashing him with Parrish's goo. My only complaint is that Dr. Parrish is kind of a whiner. He is acting kind of like how he was when affected by his "rage" last year. Overall it was a good episode, although it always goes so fast that before i know it its another week until more Eureka goodness. I would also like to point out that last night's episode of Warehouse 13 referenced Eureka and last year's crossover! I agree with the parson that wants Taggart and Grant to come back. Both their characters are awesome! I can't wait to see the purpose behind the big mission to Titan (and of course what Beverly has in store for Allison)!!
Posted by: Chris Heizer | 07/26/2011 at 03:29 PM
Really enjoying Eureka this year. I echo Kat and Chris H. too. I suddenly can't wait until Monday! Eureka is the best show on TV right now. You have such a great mix of romance, action, adventure, comedy, and mystery.
The relationships and chemistry between the actors is probably my favorite part. Love Jo and Zane, Allison and Carter, and I'm enjoying Henry and Grace too. I enjoyed Fargo getting his flirt on too. The friendships between the characters are great too.
So many great lines last night from Carter's "I'll kick his ass" to Zane's spark talk with Jo. Nice shot out to the fans of the couple. I feel like you're writing for the fans and I love that. Character driven always equals success. Thanks for all the great episodes so far!
Posted by: JG | 07/26/2011 at 03:55 PM
To add to these later posts, I am very happy with the forward movement and development of this season, and frankly I’m baffled by those fans who want to return to the other timeline. This twist has given the characters and the storyline such breadth to evolve (the Fargo of the PALS mishap is much richer than the Fargo of the found-button-in-his-pocket mishap, while still maintain his core hilarity). Plus, I can’t imagine losing Kevin as an interactive character – he (meaning both the actor and character) is gold!
I’m a total Jo and Zane shipper and I just hate how Jo is tearing herself apart over this “non” relationship. Jo is such a strong person in every other way except when it comes to this dynamic, which is sad because strength is not letting fear prevent you from living – and the possibility of having your heart broken (even again) is part of living. I just feel for her! And I just want her to stop! This cycle is getting tiresome. She needs to go for it – take Carter’s advice and don’t worry about the labels. Go Jo!
As for the whole Zoe sitch, I’m imagining that the preview of Zoe yelling at Jo in the car about sleeping with Zane, ends with Zoe saying something like, “just kidding Jo! It’s totally cool. I’m over it. Besides I’m 3000 miles away, going to college with a ton of eligible guys my age, and super busy otherwise. Plus, I’m too young to be thinking about long term relationships, this is my time be free, have fun and learn a whole lot!” Ok, maybe the last two sentences can be cut out, but that is how I hope it plays out and also how I think Zoe should be looking at life at her age. She seems way too serious, chewing out Jo in the preview.
But even if I have to mute this car scene and say my lines over Jo’s and Zoe’s because I want everyone to get along, I am still loving the show and dearly thank the writers for their work
Posted by: emmarie | 07/26/2011 at 04:22 PM
The geeks in my house appreciated the opening homage to starshipp troopers with the GD wants you ad. Also very happy Allison and Jack are finally together and that you are portraying them as a real couple with issues. Wil Wheaton was a great addition to the cast I hope he gets a bigger story line in the future. The titan arc looks like it is going to be great, really looking forward to the rest of this season.
Posted by: MissionBride | 07/26/2011 at 05:33 PM
Just wanted to thank the last few posters. It's interesting to see how people can have such different viewpoints, but I'm glad to see that there are others out there who think the creative team is doing a great job.
I actually think the timeline shift is what saved the show, so why would anyone want to undo it?
I've watched the show since it began and always liked it, but I was honestly losing interest during season three. After years of waiting for Jack and Allison to get together, it just became painful to watch the whole Tess storyline. I understand some of the reasons behind it with Salli's pregnancy, etc., but the end result for me was that I couldn't watch the last few episodes of season three. I tuned in at the start of season 4, but was prepared to turn it off if I didn't like it. But then, a wonderful thing happened ... Founder's Day. And the rest is history! :-)
It's a different show, now - somewhat the same, but much better, if you ask me. It's the show I always hoped it would be. I'm back to being a loyal viewer and SO glad I didn't miss seeing what is surely the best season so far!
(And, yes - it's great to see Jack and Allison finally together!)
Posted by: lovethistown | 07/26/2011 at 06:18 PM
Oh please, the Zoe/Zane revelation is nowhere as vexing as the Jo/Zane melodrama. I mean honestly, stop milking it. It's making the show intolerable with this soap opera crap going on with Jo and Zane.
You know what used to be fun?
The witty banter between Fargo and Jo.
Posted by: anon | 07/26/2011 at 07:00 PM