The face-off continues! Pick your favorite Eureka scientist of these four.
Next week: two more Semifinal rounds before we find out who you've chosen to face off in the Scientist Showdown!
Missed Part 1? It's not too late to vote: Scientist Showdown Semifinal Part 1
Semifinal voting closes on June 8.
Without question Dr.Hood. He's articulate, a little crazy and was a lot of fun in "Best in Faux". My favorite one-liner in response to Allison's question to him why she was in a wedding dress: '[It's] laundry day?' Great line!
Posted by: Michael J | 05/29/2010 at 02:06 PM
Clearly Dr. Hood is the one. Crazy, cute and clever!
Posted by: Websitemgmt | 05/29/2010 at 08:01 PM
BIG ED FOWLER!! Most definitely !! My fav epi so far !!
Posted by: Faye Raye | 06/03/2010 at 06:30 AM